The UW Hillel Foundation provides a home for more than 5,000 Jewish students attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hillel is a pluralistic organization supporting all of the Jewish movements as authentic expressions of Jewish Life.
Hillel engages students, cultivates a Jewish community, develops leaders, complements the classroom, and embodies Jewish values.
Hillel is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)3 that partners with the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Continue scrolling to get to know UW Hillel better.
Last school year we...
Shared nearly 3,000 Shabbat dinners
Talked over nearly 680 cups of coffee
Helped over 160 students travel to Israel
Studied Jewish texts with over 150 students
Provided over 10 students with resources to attend conferences
Hosted 30 internships
Welcomed 1,100 visitors a week
Provided High Holidays for over 250 people
Served 650 Passover meals

UW Hillel reflects 100 years of committed service to Jewish life at the UW as represented by the varied interests and experiences of the Jewish students, the faculty and staff of the University of Wisconsin, and the ideals that make the university, the city of Madison, and the State of Wisconsin an important and great place. While we are part of the larger international Hillel system, we are independent, have always been, and will continue to be so. We hold our mission, our independence, and our self-governance to be sacrosanct.
We recognize our unique role with our many Jewish communal partners, including but not limited to, the Jewish Federation of Madison, the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, and Hillel International.
UW Hillel sets its own policies based on our values, our community, and its traditions. In doing so, we take the history, culture, and teachings of our community to heart. As we do, we also affirm our role and commitment to Jewish life and Judaism, in its totality, and to the idea of life in the Academy of higher learning as guideposts for our work.
Our commitment to our mission and independent governance holds true as we take to heart the inclusive message of our namesake and the deep commitments to intellectual discourse at the university, perhaps most recognized by the Wisconsin Tradition of “Sifting and Winnowing” and the Jewish concept sheilot v tshuvot or “questions and answers.”
Our commitment to Jewish student life is deep and strong. Our concern for students and the development of their identity, intellect, and spirit are held in the highest regard.

Our programs, classes, immersive experiences, and other initiatives are the building blocks of every UW Hillel experience.
From Shabbat celebrations and weekly Challah baking to deep conversations, text study, and classes we offer, Hillel works to bring program ideas from diverse Jewish backgrounds to life.
So whether your Hillel experience is Matzah Ball soup, Jewish Learning Fellowships, or working to build connections and make our community a better place UW Hillel has something for everyone! You’re invited to join us to discuss life's big questions, share a cup of coffee or tea, and join us to shape an exciting chapter in your Jewish story.

The Jewish Student Foundation on the campus of the University of Wisconsin was founded as the second Hillel Foundation in the country - holding our first event, an afternoon tea, on September 28th, 1924. Today, we are part of a network of more than three hundred and fifty Hillel Foundations in the United States and throughout the world serving Jewish college students.
From 1919 to 1922, Semitics professor Louis B. Wolfenson brought a Jewish Student's Association to the UW campus in an effort to help college students maintain their Jewish identity.
In 1924, there were 300 Jewish students at the University of Wisconsin. Today that number has increased to 5,000.
For its first thirty-one years (1924-1955) the UW Hillel conducted its activities in rented quarters on the second floor of 508 State Street.
On April 3, 1955, the ground was broken for a new Hillel Building which was completed on October 23, 1956. The building, located at 611 Langdon Street (our current location) was built at a cost of $250,000 (including furnishings).
The building was named the Behr Memorial in honor of future Hillel president, Louis Behr who was a student at the University from 1924 to 1928.

In 2008, after serving the Jewish students on campus for more than 50 years, the Behr Memorial Building was torn down and The Barbara Hochberg Center for Jewish Student Life was built. Dedicated in October of 2009, UW Hillel provides students with over 43,000 square feet of space for studying, special events, dining, and exercising.
Recognized nationally and internationally, Barbara Hochberg was a talented business executive who was dedicated to Jewish and secular causes. As a passionate advocate for human rights and civic leader, Barbara helped publicize the plight of Soviet Jews who were denied the right to emigrate and served as the first chairwoman of the Chicago Jewish Federation. Barbara was a strong supporter of Hillel, always understanding the importance of having an active on-campus support system and a strong community for Jewish students.
Today, Hillel serves 5,000 Jewish students from across the nation and the world. Home to more than 30 Jewish student organizations, Hillel nurtures every expression of Jewish life. Religious, cultural, political, and social activities provide something of interest to all students who come to visit Hillel.
UW Hillel is honored to carry Barbara Hochberg's name and loving memory in our everyday operations at the Barbara Hochberg Center for Jewish Student Life. The UW Hillel sets the standard for what Hillel can offer students on campus with our state-of-the-art facility.

Our Memorial Torah Scroll
UW-Hillel has Memorial Scrolls Trust Torah #1322 which is from Tábor, Czech Republic and was written at the end of the 19th century.
MST #1322 had a long journey from Tábor to Madison, Wisconsin. During World War II, the Jewish communities of Bohemia and Moravia gathered their Torahs, gold and silver finials, books, and textiles from their devastated synagogues and sent them to the Jewish Museum in Prague. In a brave effort to subvert Nazi annihilation, workers in the Jewish Museum in Prague rescued 1,564 scrolls from destruction in 1942. Meticulously restored and painstakingly preserved, these scrolls stand as a remarkable tribute to the Jewish ability to survive, revive and regenerate.
Although many Jewish lives were lost, the continuation of Jewish culture, tradition, and memory lives on through the preservation of the Czech scrolls. Congregation Shalom is fortunate to be one of 1,000 synagogues throughout the world to house a Czech scroll. Their presence encourages us to engage with our own Judaism, recognize and confront hatred in our own society, and continue our story to future generations.
The Czech scrolls are survivors and silent witnesses. They represent the lost communities of Bohemia and Moravia and those who perished in the Shoah. Memorial Scrolls Trust Torahs have been distributed to communities and organizations around the world. The scrolls are never sold or donated, but allocated on loan from MST to be utilized, honored, and cherished.
To learn more about Memorial Scrolls Trust and to view the location of other Torahs throughout the world, please click here.
ADDRESS: 611 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53703
Monday - Thursday: 9am to 10pm
Friday - 10am to 4pm - Shabbat Services 6pm, dinner 7pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday - 10am to 10pm
President & CEO
Director of Community Relations
Senior Rabbi
Senior Program Director
Rabbi & Senior Jewish Educator
Director of Operations
Senior Director Development
Associate Development Director
Jeremy Levine
Senior Program Director

Rabeen abu Hamid
Jewish Agency Israel - Fellow to UW Hillel
Database Manager
Director of Culinary Services

Head Chef

Thomas Mackey
Facilities Manager
Jon Eckhardt, Chair
Kathy Chazen, Vice Chair
Richard Grant, Vice Chair
Seth Henslovitz, Vice Chair
Jared Shapiro, Secretary
David Sarnoff, Finance Chair
Debbie Garten, Past Chair
Caroline Krell, Student
Seth Krosin, Student
Ari Rosenblatt, Student
Sophie Small, Student
Ben Azulay
Joe Davis
Ross Freedman
Josh Glazer
Chad Goldberg
Sara Guyer
Mitch Kahn
Amy Lowenstein
Brandon Perlow
Greg Sinaiko
Lina Wallace
Amy Bogost, Ex-Officio
Steve Morrison, Ex-Officio
Dan Reich, Ex-Officio
Ricky Sandler, Ex-Officio
Peter Weil, Ex-Officio
Solomon Landman (1924-1931)
Max Kadushin (1931-1942)
Theodore H. Gordon (1942-1948)
Max D. Ticktin (1948-1964)
Richard W. Winograd (1964-1972)
Alan Lettofsky (1972-1982)
Irving Saposnik (1983-1999)
Greg Steinberger (1999-present)